30 AUGUST 2008
30 May 2008
29 May 2008
Today found Brandon Curtis out in Jamaica, Queens mastering the BLK JKS "Mystery" EP for release as a vinyl 10in record. Everybody knows vinyl has a superior sound and a warmer feel compared to digital formats like CDs and mp3s, so it should come as no surprise that the mastering process for vinyl is a bit different than preparing tracks for a CD release. At the studio Brandon worked with a mastering master named Paul Shields and together they checked levels and twisted a bunch of knobs and slid faders etc etc took this BLK JKS music to some other place entirely.
But we wont go into all that here. Suffice to say that after all this time poring over the music—four amazing songs recorded over 2 days at Electric Lady studios—it was breathtaking to hear them opened up on an analog board and then cut right to acetate plate right there in real time.
Dont want to overbill it but this record is next level.
And it's coming out so very very soon. Release plans to be announced any day now...
26 May 2008
23 May 2008
...in August. Shows in UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Spain etc etc. The schedule is filling up now, if you want us to come to your town please email the office.
LOTS more to come before that of course, stay tuned for some big news soon.
16 May 2008
The selector directors of MIDNIGHT ROCKERS EXPRESS just threw up a mental mix over to Brooklyn Radio. The whole thing is mega, U2, Sinead O'Connor in the studio with Sly & Robbie, a Bjork remix, a Secret Machines B-side re-edit of New Order...and your team BLK JKS with the back in the day basement cut "One Must Die".
Yo it's cool everyone rocking to "Lakeside"...one love etc etc...but "One Must Die" is for true school heads...We see you GARTH!!!
Anyways, listen here.
08 May 2008
M Z A B A L A Z O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fader magazine just followed up their epic BLK JKS cover/issue release party/sxsw hosting with the mosting by dropping an illmazing 7in vinyl with BLK JKS already classic "Mzabalazo" on the A side and ya bwoy Esau Mwamwaya's "Chilombo" on the flip. Crazy quilt cover art by this dude Ian Hudley.
At shows these days "Mzabalazo" has turned into a free jam that crests in a toyi toyi tidal wave...this here's the original metal version that clocks in at 1:58. Special thanks to sonic mad scientist Gregg Mann for the EQ touch.
Apparently Fader only made 500 of these for the world—but all you have to get one is emailing them with the word "quilts" in the subject line.
UPDATE: Digital version for free HERE.